Saturday, January 7, 2023

how do i use a gematria birthday calculator?

Gematria is the traditional Jewish system of assigning numerological value to words and phrases in the Hebrew Bible. It is commonly used to calculate the numerical value of a person's birthday, which can be important in predicting a person's destiny. Calculating a person's birthday using Gematria is not a complicated task, but it does require some knowledge of Hebrew numerals and an understanding of how Gematria works. With this guide, you will be able to find out someone's numerical birthday with ease.

First, let's define what Gematria is – Gematria is an ancient Jewish system used for assigning numerical values to words and phrases in the Hebrew Scriptures. Each letter has its own unique numerical value that when added together give each word its own unique numerical value.

Now that we understand what Gematria is, let's move onto how you can use it to calculate someone's birthday using Gematria. Start by taking the date of birth and using each of the numerals as single digits. For example: "17th July 1986" would become 7 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 6 = 38. This would become your 'Gematric Birthday Number' or GNB.

To use this number to interpret destiny or fate, it must then be reduced down to a single digit which can be done by adding up all its components until they sum up to less than ten (or in some cases eleven). This number will now represent their birth energy and energy field – their GNB (Gematric Birthday Number).

For example, if you have a GNB of 38 as before: 3 + 8 = 11; 1 + 1 = 2; therefore 38 becomes 2. Similarly if you had a GNB of 87: 8+7=15;1+5=6; therefore 87 becomes 6 . Your reduced number will now represent your Birth Personality / Characteristic from 0-9: 0 being no personality traits whereas 9 being all personality traits combined together into one powerful force.

Once this number has been established you can now look up which letters correlate with this individual's identity – each letter having its own unique energetic vibration (such as Alef being assigned 1 or Yud assigned 10). This combination forms the individual's Birth Name based off on their numerical date, time & place of birth calculation known as 'Gematriya Byaharit' or Primary Source Chart as it reveals the Energy Matrix that determines who they are and will become at their origin in life (in other words past influences) and throughout their future growth and development process leading to their Adult Identity – which ties in with Ayin Zohar (Semitic Kabbalah) concepts showing how a Divine Name emits conscious vibrations across all timelines according to personalization criteria based off on one's unique situation at any given moment thus becoming an open book forecasting an individual's potential for greater success in what ever path chosen as well as any pitfalls during exploration along such journeys .

Ultimately calculated via gematriya calculations such conversations between soul & upper realm Spirit are possible through analyzing date/time/location factors & understanding deeper meanings or hidden messages encoded within such calculations - helping discern soul purpose or life plan without interruption due to misperceived outcomes - helping reconnect again wherever soul arrived thereby allowing conscious evolution flowing tranquil even when challenged & inspired unawares facilitating spiritual healing opening doors unto inner sanctum– through empowering soul activation gleaned everlastingly encountered only through these precise speculations extolling Sacred Source communications understood through Your Birth Chart illuminating possibility shimmering waves lapping shores beyond horizons quite near…

See more about gematria birthday calculator

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